At Reminded, we are committed to equipping people with all they need in the therapy session, as well as between sessions and long after therapy has concluded. We are active across the main social media platforms, run regular social campaigns, write blogs and webinars, as well as podcasts and a youtube channel. Please follow, like and subscribe for regular notifications when new material is posted, and to find years’ worth of resource to support you in your ongoing mind health and wellness lifestyle.

13 Reasons When
This blog is directed at professionals. Whether that be mental health therapists, wellbeing staff, teachers, guidance officers or other professional people that find themselves working with or supporting a person through mental health concerns, specifically thoughts around suicide, or suicidal ideation as I will refer to it.
My aim is to equip you with resources and tools to actually help someone who is in need of being helped, as there can be more damage done, even by a professional, if they are ill-equipped in their responses.
This blog forms the third part in our four-part series in response to the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why and in their extended forms, are Reminded’s May You Stay program we will be running in High Schools soon. This series and school program were birthed from our first month-long annual social media campaign, #mayyoustay which gathered momentum throughout May 2017.
Additional Services
Offering in-school training to teaching and wellbeing staff around responding to mental health in students, as well as a Senior school presentation around mental health with a strong suicide prevention message for students. We also have a parenting presentation as part of this package, within the ‘May you Stay’ program.
Please ask for more information.
We also have a range of presentation topics, professional training and staff wellbeing programs available and can tailor a topic to meet the needs of your workplace or school.
Please send us an email enquiry.