Mens’ Mind Health
At Reminded, we are committed to breaking the stigma around help-seeking for men. We see it as a strength for a man to admit to himself that things could be better – within himself, in his relationships, at work, in life. To be the best version of yourself – who wouldn’t want that!

Real men are real

Reminded work with men wanting to #manupspeakup. We run several social media campaigns across the year, including #MENtality and #Manuary, encouraging guys to access counselling and support when they need some ideas for alternatives to try. We want to make it easier and accepted for men to speak
to a professional and get ideas to become a better man, have a better relationship, be a better Dad and fight for the life you want – because every man deserves that!
Grant is invested into mens’ health and wellbeing – into bettering society, one man and one household at a time. No judgment, no being told what to do or how you ‘should’ live – just some easy ideas and tools to put into your life for that better outcome you are wanting. It’s easy and Grant has a way of making it feel more like a catch up with a mate than a therapy session. You’ve got nothing to lose – so maybe give one session a go… you may really like it and choose to keep coming.
Grant excels in working with men on a range of issues including addiction, anger management, relationships, parenting, trauma recovery, PTSD, mental health and workplace conflict. He sees men through a GP referral, Defence Force Personnel (ex-military or current serving members) through ‘Open Arms’ Veteran and Veteran’s family counselling service, through many insurance providers such as Workcover, through Converge EAP, and through Mates in Construction.
Men also have the choice of working with Sally if you’d prefer a female practitioner. Sally is also highly trained and experienced in working with men and supporting men to explore their own mind and feel more in control of their lives.
And either Grant or Sally are happy to work with both members of a couple, individually and/or together, or with several members of a family where needed.

Mentality is a chosen way of thinking. The ability to learn and create foundational beliefs where, from these, you choose a more helpful and mindful approach to self, relationships and living.
In today’s society, many men are restricted in their ability to communicate what it is they are feeling and thinking due to cultural and generational influences. When men have experienced trauma, abuse, or substance abuse, and where they have learnt unhelpful behaviours and patterns of communication in relationships and from role models and peer groups, many men have a mindset that limits their ability to talk and share how they are really going. How often have you heard the phrase, “You’re weak”, or felt like you have to do things all on your own and that it is weak to ask for help??
This unhelpful mindset has unfortunately, created behaviours where we want to escape from feeling the void inside. To not feel this, we begin to behave in a way where we crave the opposite of how we are thinking or feeling towards ourselves. Some examples of these behaviours are, where we try to seek approval from those people in our lives; where, through our actions, we distract ourselves; where we strive for success to feel valuable; we seek attention to feel acceptance; we can start disconnecting from others; and fearing our own vulnerability because we believe it means we are weak and we are falling apart. Other beliefs can include fear of being a failure, fear of rejection and fearing we are not enough! Unfortunately, these mentalities have evolved and continue to affect the way men choose to think, behave and live out our lives.
This is where MENtality can help. Where we can challenge the commonly held beliefs that are not helpful and do not serve us well and find alternatives that are easier to live with and that have a more positive impact on our lives. Let’s start being honest with ourselves and each other. Let’s encourage men to seek help when needed, to get alternative ideas and tools to try, so that every man can live the life they want, can be proud of, and feel successful and satisfied with. Because we know suicide rates in men are the highest they have ever been in Australia – and we don’t want to lose another man to suicide, to addiction, to DV, to jail, to depression, to anxiety, to loneliness an hopelessness. Let’s strengthen each other by first strengthening ourselves, our mental health and our lives, and show other men there is hope, help and a great life worth staying here for!

Here at Reminded Mind Health Clinic

We are passionate about helping men find their identity, providing education for alternative strategies to try, and providing healthier ways in which men can speak up, change unhelpful behaviours and the way they have always communicated, and stop hurting themselves and those they care about.
Book in today and begin your journey of changing your mindset, reforming your identity, and choosing to learn how to change your life so you can begin to live in the way you’ve always wanted to: free from fear and passionate about life.

Full session fee is required at the conclusion of each session, or if booking online, at time of booking. Where there is a MHCP, Medicare will pay you the rebate into your linked account ($82.30) up to ten rebates per calendar year. Please note, this is subject to change. Please check most recent Medicare directives or ask for most up to date information.