May You Stay Campaign Launch 2018

ReMindEd • May 1, 2018
I love Summer.
There I said it. I’ve officially offended the other three seasons of the year.
The step further than that is that I also hate Winter. Hate it. And I don’t hate much. And that’s really saying something because I live in Queensland so our Winter is barely cold compared to where I grew up as a kid, an hour from the Victorian snow fields.
It’s more than being cold. I miss the sunshine when the clouds cover the sky, I hate the takes-your-breath-away air as you breathe in, I don’t like it when it rains and it’s cold rain. But my soul doesn’t like Winter either. I am always more easily depressed in the Winter, I lack motivation, I feel more irritable, my longing for the sunlight hurts my heart.
Winter is more bearable for me because I know it will pass in three months. They seem long, and gloomy and dark, but this season shall pass.
Whatever season you find yourself in- no matter how many days or months or years you’ve been in it- this season shall pass.
It’s up to you to decide to stay alive so you can see it!
The May you stay campaign is Reminded’s annual suicide awareness and prevention campaign. But more than that, our purpose is to fill social media with hope for the future, to save a life by reminding you to choose to stay. It so often just takes a reminder of a tomorrow you may want to be in- because it will get better, things will shift, the light will shine in the darkness yet again… it’s not an airy-fairy metaphoric idea- it’s a promise.
This too shall pass- choose to stay to see it…
So jump on board with us- spread the word, share our posts- help us keep people alive by being #reminded to stay. It may just save a life- it will save someone’s life. Being reminded of hope always does.
We are fighting for your life, even if you no longer can. You are worth fighting for.
Much love and hope,
Sal and Harvs
Reminded mind health clinic
Sunshine Beach Rd. Noosa Heads QLD